Kristin D. Case Award
The Kristin D. Case Award is presented annually to the 8th Grade student who has shown his or herself to be an outstanding member of the community by academic record, community involvement, school spirit and compassion for fellow students. This award is given in remembrance of Kristin D. Case, Frenchtown Elementary School Class of 1999 Graduate.
High School Senior Scholarship
High School Senior Scholarship every year the FESPTO awards a $500 scholarship to a former FES student that is graduatin from Del-Val High School.
Student Teacher Recognition

The FESPTO recognizes student achievement through Honors Breakfasts held 3 times during the school year with honor and high honor roll students in attendance.

The FESPTO supports the school’s Athletic programs whenever possible. Last year the FESPTO helped buy new soccer balls and a few years ago coordinated the purchase and installation of the gaga put on the playground.

Last year the PTO purchased hand bells for the music program and art supplies for the mural and sketchbook clubs. This year we helped support the after-school scarecrow making activity.

Social Events
The Frenchtown PTO sponsors a number of student and family social events throughout the school year. Some of these events have included:
- Family Bowing Night
- Family Roller-skating Night
- Student Dances
- Family Movie Night
Other Events
- iRun4Life Program Sponsorship – The Frenchtown PTO has provided funding and volunteers to help with the school’s iRun4Life Club for the last four years
- Student Folders and Planner – Every year the Frenchtown PTO provides funding to purchase folders and planners for each student in the school.
- Holiday Shop – Each December Frenchtown PTO volunteers help with the Frenchtown School Holiday Shop.
- Scholastic Book Fair – the PTO coordinates the book fair twice per year, which earned over $800 in new books for the school library last year.
- Frenchtown Park Clean-up – Frenchtown PTO volunteers and students participate annually in this year’s Frenchtown Park Cleanup.